Leila Jeffries Exhibits Budgerigars!!

Leila who I mentioned back in December '08, got in touch and told me she had exhibited a Budgie shot in a group show late last year through to January. 
I'm really happy for her to be exhibiting the shots she worked really hard to achieve. 
She has another showing coming up as part of the Head On photo festival at the Iain Dawson Gallery in Paddington, Sydney. 18-29 May 2010
Leila's Images can be found here and there
Oh, and look out for a solo show in December 2010. 

Here's a photo of "Spencer"

Alissa Thomas - Stylist

Alissa Thomas a great stylist I worked with many times in Sydney for ACP magazines is now freelance and busy!  She found a great niche market working with kids.
Alissa's Blog link
Thanks for posting my still life shoots here and there

image info. Photograph Jason Hamilton

On my way to JFK

My Mum is coming to NY!! 
For someone who doesn't like flying at all, it's a huge feat. Almost directly on opposite side of the world, it's a long flight, just over a whole day worth of travel, around 20 hours or airtime- not including stop overs. I'm excited to show her the city I love living in. Then my Dad gets in roughly 3-4 weeks after. Will be great to have them both here. 

image info. Photograph Jason Hamilton
image info. Photograph Jason Hamilton