NY Summer Streets [draft cut] Slient

Summer Streets in New York, NY, for 3 weekends in August -where a 6 mile stretch of North- South running streets from the Brooklyn Bridge up to 72nd Street and then into Central Park is closed to vehicle traffic.
See the Route
The streets feel empty even though they are open to cyclists, runners, rollerblading and anyone just wanting to stroll along.
So much fun having a huge vacant street as your playground. 

I shot this trial stop motion video from my apartment in Brooklyn up to Central Park, actually I did two laps but decided to only show the first leg.
Footage is still a little RAW!  and none of this has been shot on video, its all still images edited together using video editing software.
Its not finished yet but wanted to put it up so some people could see it... 
Will let you know when the finished version is on Youtube and Vimeo 

Look out for Grand Central and the tunnel around 1:30 - such a fun part of the ride.

Get on your bike!!

1 comment:

Wildfell Hall Vintage said...

do you do stunts?